It’s Menopause Month again…
It’s Menopause Month again… A few days ago, I watched an Insta post by Dr Liz O’Riordan, the breast surgeon turned breast cancer patient who is widely present in the British media. You’ve probably seen her on Lorraine or in the Daily Mail. Dr Liz mentioned some really awful side effects of her cancer treatments, such as blurry vision and a very sore tongue that makes everything taste horrible. What was worst, she said, were the hot flushes and night sweats from the hormone suppressants she needs to take. “It’s just so hard to deal with… I just feel miserable.” Working for the Breast Cancer Haven in London I had many clients like Dr Liz, who were struggling with the effects of sudden onset menopause. What surprised me was the impact hot flushes had on women who were dealing with breast cancer in some form or other. They reported feeling overwhelmed and helpless. As someone who never had struggled with hot flushes I thought surely there must be bigger problems when dealing with cancer. Listening …